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There are many, many different reasons a company or individual would benefit from membership in the Building Industry Association of Central South Carolina (BIA). Whether you’re looking to network with other professionals, protect the homebuilding industry through interaction with government bodies and elected officials, need insurance, like saving money on items you already buy, or any number of other reasons, the BIA is for you. Here’s a look at some of the benefits of membership:

Three-for-One Membership

When you join the BIA of Central SC, you’re also joining the Home Builders Association of South Carolina and the National Association of Home Builders. You’ll have opportunities and benefits from all three organizations throughout the year. Plus, you’ll be represented in local, state and national governmental affairs programs as well. See what is included with membership.

Government Affairs

With your support and feedback, our staff lobbies on all levels of government on your behalf to protect affordable housing and your business. In 2014 alone, our efforts saved an estimated $26,600 per licenced builder in our state. We host many events, fundraisers and other opportunities for members to meet candidates and support those who support our industry. Attend Builders Day at the Capital, our HBASC Bird Supper, or take a trip to Washington, D.C. to meet with elected officials in their offices. Of course, just being a member and lending your reputation to the organization helps tremendously.

Events and Networking

Members have plenty of chances to meet and learn from other members from our area, across the state, and around the nation at BIA and NAHB events. As a member, you can attend a General Membership Meeting or other large-scale meeting every month at no extra charge, go to the state or national conventions to meet professionals from around the state and nation, participate in a Builder 20 Club, Builder Speed Dating or and endless number of other meetings.

Continuing Education

In addition to learning from your peers through meetings, events and networking, we provide continuing education to help you grow your business. Learn through Builder Workshop’s before General Membership Meetings, speakers at meetings, or professional educators brought in for University of Housing courses. Members enjoy reduced rates for these courses, which can lead to professional designations such as the Certified Master Builder, Certified Green Professional, Master in Residential Marketing and many more. Publications from the local, state and national level also give our members information and perspective not available to non-members.

Discounts for Members

Because our local, state and national associations have many members, we also have bargaining power with companies. By joining the BIA, you reap the benefits from these partnerships. Take advantage of our membership in National Purchasing Partners program and the NAHB Member Advantage Program. The HBA of South Carolina also has a Builder Member Rebate Program that helps builders and remodelers get cash back on products that they may already be using. NEW: The HBA of SC Health Insurance Program is up and running. Get a quote and see if we can help you get great health insurance at a very competitive rate. Best of all, this is all included in your membership at no extra charge. Learn more about Discounts for Members here.

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